Source code for mira.detectors.detector

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
import os
import abc
import json
import types
import typing
import logging
import tempfile

import tqdm
import torch
import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
import typing_extensions as tx

from .. import metrics as mm
from .. import core as mc

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Detector(mc.torchtools.BaseModel): """Abstract base class for a detector."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def serve_module_string(self) -> str: """Return the module string used as part of TorchServe."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compute_anchor_boxes(self, width: int, height: int) -> np.ndarray: """Return the list of anchor boxes in xyxy format. You can convert these to dimensions using something like: detector.compute_anchor_boxes(iwidth, iheight)[:, [0, 2, 1, 3]].reshape((-1, 2, 2)) """
[docs] def detect( self, items: mc.torchtools.BatchInferenceItem, batch_size: int = 32, progress=False, **kwargs, ) -> typing.Union[ typing.List[typing.List[mc.Annotation]], typing.List[mc.Annotation], mc.SceneCollection, mc.Scene, ]: """ Perform object detection on a batch of images or single image. Args: images: A list of images or a single image. threshold: The detection threshold for the images batch_size: The batch size to use with the underlying model Returns: A list of lists of annotations. """ single, annotation_groups = self.batch_inference( items=items, batch_size=batch_size, progress=progress, process=lambda batch: [ [a.resize(1 / scale) for a in itarget.annotations] for scale, itarget in zip( batch.scales[:, ::-1], self.invert_targets( self.model( self.compute_inputs(batch.images), ), **kwargs, ), ) ], ) if isinstance(items, mc.SceneCollection): return items.assign( scenes=[ s.assign(annotations=g) for s, g in zip(items, annotation_groups) ] ) if isinstance(items, mc.Scene): return items.assign(annotations=annotation_groups[0]) return annotation_groups[0] if single else annotation_groups
[docs] def mAP( self, collection: mc.SceneCollection, iou_threshold=0.5, min_threshold=0.01, batch_size=32, ): """Compute the mAP metric for a given collection of ground truth scenes. Args: collection: The collection to evaluate min_threshold: The minimum threshold for initial selection of boxes. iou_threshold: The IoU threshold required for a match Returns: mAP score """ return mm.mAP( true_collection=collection, pred_collection=typing.cast( mc.SceneCollection, self.detect( collection, threshold=min_threshold, batch_size=batch_size, ), ), iou_threshold=iou_threshold, )
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
[docs] def to_torchserve( self, model_name: str, directory=".", archive_format: tx.Literal["default", "no-archive"] = "default", score_threshold: float = 0.5, model_version="1.0", api_mode: tx.Literal["mira", "torchserve"] = "mira", ): """Build a TorchServe-compatible MAR file for this model.""" try: import model_archiver.model_packaging as marmp import model_archiver.model_packaging_utils as marmpu except ImportError as e: raise ValueError( "You must `pip install torch-model-archiver` to use this function." ) from e os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: serialized_file = os.path.join(tdir, "weights.pth") index_to_name_file = os.path.join(tdir, "index_to_name.json") model_file = os.path.join(tdir, "") handler_file = os.path.join(tdir, "")"model."), serialized_file) with open(index_to_name_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write( json.dumps( { **{0: "__background__"}, **{ str(idx + 1): for idx, label in enumerate(self.categories) }, } ) ) with open(model_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(self.serve_module_string()) with open(handler_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write( pkg_resources.resource_string( "mira", "detectors/assets/serve/" ) .decode("utf-8") .replace("SCORE_THRESHOLD", str(score_threshold)) # type: ignore .replace("API_MODE", f"'{api_mode}'") ) args = types.SimpleNamespace( model_name=model_name, serialized_file=serialized_file, handler=handler_file, model_file=model_file, version=model_version, requirements_file=None, runtime="python", extra_files=index_to_name_file, export_path=directory, force=True, archive_format=archive_format, ) marmp.package_model( args=args, manifest=marmpu.ModelExportUtils.generate_manifest_json(args) )
[docs] def compute_anchor_iou( self, collection: mc.SceneCollection ) -> typing.List[np.ndarray]: """Compute the IoU between annotatons for a scene collection and the anchors for the detector. Accounts for scaling depending on this detectors resize configuration.""" dimensions, scales, _ = mc.resizing.compute_resize_dimensions( np.array( [ [scene.dimensions.height, scene.dimensions.width] for scene in collection ] ), self.resize_config, ) bboxes = [ np.array( [ann.resize(scale[::-1]).x1y1x2y2() for ann in scene.annotations], ndmin=2, ) for scene, scale in zip(collection, scales) ] anchors = self.compute_anchor_boxes( height=dimensions[0][0], width=dimensions[0][1] ) return [ mc.utils.compute_iou(group, anchors) for group in tqdm.tqdm(bboxes, desc="Computing IoU matrices.") ]