Source code for mira.core.scene

"""Scene and SceneCollection objects"""

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,invalid-name,too-many-instance-attributes,len-as-condition,unsupported-assignment-operation,import-outside-toplevel

import os
import io
import glob
import json
import typing
import logging
import tarfile
import tempfile
import concurrent.futures

import tqdm
import validators
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tx
import cv2

from .protos import scene_pb2 as mps
from . import utils, augmentations, imagemeta, resizing, annotation
from ..thirdparty.albumentations import albumentations as A

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Dimensions = typing.NamedTuple("Dimensions", [("width", int), ("height", int)])

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class Scene: """A single annotated image. Args: categories: The configuration for annotations for the image. annotations: The list of annotations. image: The image that was annotated. Can be lazy-loaded by passing a string filepath. metadata: Metadata about the scene as a dictionary cache: Defines caching behavior for the image. If `True`, image is loaded into memory the first time that the image is requested. If `False`, image is loaded from the file path or URL whenever the image is requested. masks: A list of MaskRegion dictonaries which will determine which parts of images are shown and hidden. """ _image: typing.Union[str, np.ndarray] _tfile: typing.Optional[tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper] _dimensions: typing.Optional[Dimensions] def __init__( self, categories: typing.Union[typing.List[str], annotation.Categories], image: typing.Union[np.ndarray, str], annotations: typing.List[annotation.Annotation] = None, metadata: dict = None, cache: bool = False, masks: typing.List[utils.MaskRegion] = None, labels: typing.List[annotation.Label] = None, ): assert isinstance( image, (np.ndarray, str) ), "Image must be string or ndarray, not " + str(type(image)) if masks is None: masks = [] self._image = image self._dimensions = None self._tfile = None self.metadata = metadata self.annotations = annotations or [] self.categories = annotation.Categories.from_categories(categories) self.labels = labels or [] self.cache = cache self.masks = masks
[docs] def resize(self, resize_config: resizing.ResizeConfig): """Resize a scene using a custom resizing configuration.""" images, scales, _ = resizing.resize([self.image], resize_config=resize_config) return self.assign( image=images[0], annotations=[ann.resize(scales[0][::-1]) for ann in self.annotations], masks=[], )
[docs] def segmentation_map(self, binary: bool, threshold: float = 0.5) -> np.ndarray: """Creates a segmentation map using the annotation scores.""" dimensions = self.dimensions segmap = np.zeros( (len(self.categories), dimensions.height, dimensions.width), dtype="uint8" ) for ann in self.annotations: if (ann.score or 1) >= threshold: ann.draw( segmap[self.categories.index(ann.category)], color=int((1 if binary or ann.score is None else ann.score) * 100), opaque=True, ) return segmap / 100.0
[docs] def filepath(self, directory: str = None): """Gets a filepath for this image. If it is not currently a file, a file will be created in a temporary directory.""" if ( isinstance(self._image, str) and not validators.url(self._image) and not self.masks ): return self._image image = self.image hashstr = str( hash( tuple(m["contour"].tobytes() for m in (self.masks or [])) + tuple( image.tobytes(), ) ) ) if ( self._tfile is None or hashstr not in os.path.basename( or ( directory is not None and os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname( != os.path.abspath(directory) ) ): if directory is not None: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) if self._tfile: self._tfile.close() self._tfile = ( tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with suffix=".png", prefix=hashstr, dir=directory ) ) cv2.imwrite(, cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) return
[docs] def deferred_image(self) -> typing.Callable[[], np.ndarray]: """Create a deferred image.""" return lambda: self.image
@property def image(self) -> np.ndarray: """The image that is being annotated""" # Check to see if we have an actual image # or just a string protect_image = False if isinstance(self._image, str): # Load the image log.debug("Reading from %s", self._image) image = else: protect_image = True log.debug("Reading image from cache.") image = self._image # Check how to handle caching the image # for future reads if self.cache is True: log.debug("Caching image.") protect_image = True self._image = image elif self.cache is False: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported cache parameter: {self.cache}.") if self.masks: if protect_image: # We should not modify this image. Work on a copy. image = image.copy() utils.apply_mask(image, masks=self.masks) return image @property def image_bytes(self) -> bytes: """Get the image as a PNG encoded to bytes.""" return utils.image2bytes(self.image)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filepath: str): """Load a scence from a filepath.""" with open(filepath, "rb") as f: return cls.fromString(
[docs] @classmethod def from_qsl( cls, item: typing.Dict, label_key: str, categories: annotation.Categories, base_dir: str = None, ): """Create a scene from a set of QSL labels. Args: item: The QSL labeling item. label_key: The key for the region label to use for annotation. categories: The annotation configuration for the resulting scene. """ import qsl target = item["target"] labels = item["labels"] dimensions = labels["dimensions"] annotations = [] for box in labels["boxes"]: if not box["labels"].get(label_key): log.warning("A box in %s is missing %s. Skipping.", target, label_key) continue annotations.append( annotation.Annotation( category=categories[box["labels"][label_key][0]], x1=box["pt1"]["x"] * dimensions["width"], y1=box["pt1"]["y"] * dimensions["height"], x2=box["pt2"]["x"] * dimensions["width"], y2=box["pt2"]["y"] * dimensions["height"], ) ) for mask in labels["masks"]: if not mask["labels"].get(label_key): log.warning("A mask in %s is missing %s. Skipping.", target, label_key) continue bitmap = qsl.counts2bitmap(**mask["map"]) scaley, scalex = ( dimensions["height"] / bitmap.shape[0], dimensions["width"] / bitmap.shape[1], ) contours = cv2.findContours( bitmap, mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[0] annotations.extend( [ annotation.Annotation( category=categories[mask["labels"][label_key][0]], points=contour[:, 0, :] * [scalex, scaley], ) for contour in contours ] ) for polygon in labels["polygons"]: if not polygon["labels"].get(label_key): log.warning( "A polygon in %s is missing %s. Skipping.", target, label_key ) continue annotations.append( annotation.Annotation( category=categories[polygon["labels"][label_key][0]], points=np.array([[p["x"], p["y"]] for p in polygon["points"]]) * [dimensions["width"], dimensions["height"]], ) ) return cls( image=target if base_dir is None else os.path.join(base_dir, target), annotations=annotations, categories=categories, metadata=item.get("metadata", {}), )
[docs] @classmethod def fromString(cls, string): """Deserialize scene from string.""" deserialized = mps.Scene.FromString(string) categories = annotation.Categories(deserialized.categories.categories) image = cv2.imdecode( np.frombuffer(deserialized.image, dtype="uint8"), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR ) annotations = [] for ann in deserialized.annotations: common = { "category": categories[ann.category], "metadata": json.loads(ann.metadata), "score": ann.score, } if ann.is_rect: annotations.append( annotation.Annotation( x1=ann.x1, y1=ann.y1, x2=ann.x2, y2=ann.y2, **common, ) ) else: annotations.append( annotation.Annotation( points=np.array([[pt.x, pt.y] for pt in ann.points]), **common, ) ) return cls( image=image, metadata=json.loads(deserialized.metadata), labels=[ annotation.Label( category=categories[ann.category], metadata=json.loads(ann.metadata), score=ann.score, ) for ann in deserialized.labels ], annotations=annotations, categories=categories, masks=[ { "visible": m.visible, "name":, "contour": np.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in m.contour]), } for m in deserialized.masks ], )
@property def dimensions(self) -> Dimensions: """Get size of image, attempting to get it without reading the entire file, if possible.""" if self._dimensions is None: dimensions: typing.Optional[Dimensions] = None if isinstance(self._image, str): try:"Attempting to get dimensions from %s.", self._image) meta = imagemeta.get_image_metadata(self._image) dimensions = Dimensions(width=meta.width, height=meta.height) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except "Failed to load image metadata from disk for %s", self._image, exc_info=True, ) if dimensions is None:"Loading dimensions from actual image.") image = self.image dimensions = Dimensions(width=image.shape[1], height=image.shape[0]) self._dimensions = dimensions return self._dimensions
[docs] def toString(self, extension=".png"): """Serialize scene to string.""" return mps.Scene( image=cv2.imencode(extension, self.image)[1].tobytes(), categories=mps.Categories(categories=[ for c in self.categories]), metadata=json.dumps(self.metadata or {}), masks=[ mps.Mask( visible=m["visible"], name=m["name"], contour=[mps.Point(x=x, y=y) for x, y in m["contour"]], ) for m in (self.masks or []) ], labels=[ mps.Label( category=self.categories.index(ann.category), score=ann.score, metadata=json.dumps(ann.metadata or {}), ) for ann in self.labels ], annotations=[ mps.Annotation( category=self.categories.index(ann.category), x1=ann.x1, y1=ann.y1, x2=ann.x2, y2=ann.y2, score=ann.score, points=[mps.Point(x=x, y=y) for x, y in ann.points], metadata=json.dumps(ann.metadata or {}), is_rect=ann.is_rect, ) for ann in self.annotations ], ).SerializeToString()
[docs] def assign(self, **kwargs) -> "Scene": """Get a new scene with only the supplied keyword arguments changed.""" if "categories" in kwargs: # We need to change all the categories for annotations # to match the new annotation configuration. categories = kwargs["categories"] kwargs["annotations"] = [ ann.convert(categories) for ann in kwargs.get("annotations", self.annotations) ] kwargs["labels"] = [ ann.convert(categories) for ann in kwargs.get("labels", self.labels) ] # We use the _image instead of image to avoid triggering an # unnecessary read of the actual image. defaults = { "categories": self.categories, "annotations": self.annotations, "image": self._image, "cache": self.cache, "metadata": self.metadata, "masks": self.masks, "labels": self.labels, } kwargs = {**defaults, **kwargs} return Scene(**kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, annotation_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """Show an annotated version of the image. All arguments passed to `mira.core.utils.imshow()`. """ return utils.imshow(self.annotated(**(annotation_kwargs or {})), **kwargs)
[docs] def scores(self, level: tx.Literal["annotation", "label"] = "annotation"): """Obtain an array containing the confidence score for each annotation.""" arr: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[annotation.Annotation, annotation.Label]] if level == "label": arr = self.labels elif level == "annotation": arr = self.annotations else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported level: {level}") return np.array([a.score for a in arr])
[docs] def bboxes(self): """Obtain an array of shape (N, 5) where the columns are x1, y1, x2, y2, class_index where class_index is determined from the annotation configuration.""" # We reshape in order to avoid indexing problems when # there are no annotations. return self.categories.bboxes_from_group(self.annotations)
[docs] def show_annotations(self, **kwargs): """Show annotations as individual plots. All arguments passed to plt.subplots.""" if len(self.annotations) == 0: return None fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=len(self.annotations), **kwargs) if len(self.annotations) == 1: axs = [axs] image = self.image for ann, ax in zip(self.annotations, axs): ax.imshow(ann.extract(image)) ax.set_title( fig.tight_layout() return fig, axs
[docs] def drop_duplicates(self, threshold=1, method: utils.DeduplicationMethod = "iou"): """Remove annotations of the same class where one annotation covers similar or equal area as another. Args: method: Whether to check overlap by "coverage" (i.e., is X% of box A contained by some larger box B) or "iou" (intersection-over-union). IoU is, of course, more strict. threshold: The threshold for equality. Boxes are retained if there is no larger box with which the overlap is greater than or equal to this threshold. """ annotations = [] for current_category in self.categories: current_annotations = [ ann for ann in self.annotations if ann.category == current_category ] # Keep only annotations that are not duplicative with a larger nnotation. annotations.extend( [ current_annotations[idx] for idx in ( utils.find_largest_unique_boxes( bboxes=self.categories.bboxes_from_group( current_annotations )[:, :4], method=method, threshold=threshold, ) if all(ann.is_rect for ann in current_annotations) else utils.find_largest_unique_contours( contours=[ann.points for ann in current_annotations], method=method, threshold=threshold, ) ) ] ) return self.assign(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def annotated( self, dpi=72, fontsize="x-large", labels=True, opaque=False, color=(255, 0, 0) ) -> np.ndarray: """Show annotations on the image itself. Args: dpi: The resolution for the image fontsize: How large to show labels labels: Whether or not to show labels opaque: Whether to draw annotations filled in. color: The color to use for annotations. """ plt.ioff() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis("off") img_raw = self.image.copy() img = img_raw for ann in self.annotations: ann.draw(img, color=color, opaque=opaque) utils.imshow(img, ax=ax) if labels: for ann in self.annotations: x1, y1, _, _ = ann.x1y1x2y2() ax.annotate(, xy=(x1, y1), fontsize=fontsize, backgroundcolor=(1, 1, 1, 0.5), ) ax.set_xlim(0, img_raw.shape[1]) ax.set_ylim(img_raw.shape[0], 0) fig.canvas.draw() raw = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig( raw, dpi=dpi, pad_inches=0, transparent=False, bbox_inches="tight", ) plt.close(fig) plt.ion() img = img = img[:, :, :3] raw.close() return img
[docs] def augment( self, augmenter: augmentations.AugmenterProtocol = None, min_visibility=None ) -> typing.Tuple["Scene", np.ndarray]: """Obtain an augmented version of the scene using the given augmenter. Returns: The augmented scene """ if augmenter is None: return self, np.eye(3) base_image = self.image base_points = np.array( [ [0, 0], [base_image.shape[1], 0], [base_image.shape[1], base_image.shape[0]], [0, base_image.shape[0]], ] ) # We include bbox placeholders for polygon annotations in order to # support mira.core.augmentations.RandomCropBboxSafe for now. transformed = augmenter( image=base_image, bboxes=[ann.x1y1x2y2() for ann in self.annotations], bbox_indices=[ annIdx if ann.is_rect else -annIdx for annIdx, ann in enumerate(self.annotations, start=1) ], keypoints=base_points.tolist() + utils.flatten( [ann.points.tolist() for ann in self.annotations if not ann.is_rect] ), keypoint_indices=[(None, None)] * 4 + utils.flatten( [ [(annIdx, keyIdx) for keyIdx in range(len(ann.points))] for annIdx, ann in enumerate(self.annotations, start=1) if not ann.is_rect ] ), ) image = transformed["image"] annotations = [ annotation.Annotation( x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2, category=self.annotations[annIdx - 1].category, metadata=self.annotations[annIdx - 1].metadata, ) for (x1, y1, x2, y2), annIdx in zip( transformed["bboxes"], transformed["bbox_indices"] ) if annIdx > 0 ] + [ annotation.Annotation( points=keypoints.sort_values("keyIdx")[["x", "y"]].values, category=self.annotations[annIdx - 1].category, metadata=self.annotations[annIdx - 1].metadata, ) for annIdx, keypoints in pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame( transformed["keypoint_indices"][4:], columns=["annIdx", "keyIdx"], ), pd.DataFrame(transformed["keypoints"][4:], columns=["x", "y"]), ], axis=1, ).groupby("annIdx") ] recropped = [ ann.crop(width=image.shape[1], height=image.shape[0]) for ann in annotations ] if min_visibility is None: min_visibility = ( augmenter.processors["bboxes"].params.min_visibility if isinstance(augmenter, A.Compose) else 0.0 ) annotations = utils.flatten( [ anns for ann, anns in zip(annotations, recropped) if ann.area() > 0 and (sum((a.area() for a in anns), 0) / ann.area()) >= min_visibility ] ) annotations = [ann for ann in annotations if ann.area() > 0] transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform( src=np.array(base_points, dtype="float32")[:4], dst=np.array(transformed["keypoints"][:4], dtype="float32"), ) augmented = self.assign(image=image, annotations=annotations, masks=[]) return augmented, transform
[docs] def to_subcrops(self, max_size: int) -> typing.List["Scene"]: """Split a scene into subcrops of some maximum size while trying to avoid splitting annotations. Args: max_size: The maximum size of a crop (it may be smaller at the edges of an image). """ if max_size % 2 == 0: r1 = r2 = max_size // 2 else: r1 = max_size // 2 r2 = max_size - r1 annotations = self.annotations if not annotations: raise NotImplementedError("This function does not support empty scenes.") assert all( max(a.x2 - a.x1, a.y2 - a.y1) < max_size for a in annotations ), "At least one annotation is too big." image = self.image ih, iw = image.shape[:2] subcrops = [] captured = [] for ann in annotations: if ann in captured: # We already captured this annotation. continue # Get the others, sorted by distance to the # current annotation. axc, ayc = ((ann.x1 + ann.x2) / 2), ((ann.y1 + ann.y2) / 2) others = sorted( [a for a in annotations if a is not ann], key=lambda a: np.square( [ axc - ((a.x1 + a.x2) / 2), # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop ayc - ((a.y1 + a.y2) / 2), # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop ] ).sum(), ) solved = False for r in range(len(others), -1, -1): # Try to fit the annotation and the r-closest other # annotations into this crop. ann_inc = [ann] + others[:r] ann_exc = [a for a in annotations if a not in ann_inc] box_inc = self.categories.bboxes_from_group(ann_inc)[:, :4] box_exc = self.categories.bboxes_from_group(ann_exc)[:, :4] xmin, ymin = box_inc[:, :2].min(axis=0) xmax, ymax = box_inc[:, 2:].max(axis=0) if max(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin) > max_size: # This subset covers too large of an area. continue xc, yc = map( lambda v: max(v, r1), [(xmax + xmin) / 2, (ymax + ymin) / 2] ) xc, yc = min(xc, iw - r2), min(yc, ih - r2) x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(round, [xc - r1, yc - r1, xc + r2, yc + r2]) coverages = utils.compute_coverage( np.concatenate([box_inc, box_exc], axis=0), np.array([[x1, y1, x2, y2]]), ) if (coverages[: len(box_inc), 0] == 1).all() and ( coverages[len(box_inc) :, 0] == 0 ).all(): captured.extend(ann_inc) subcrops.append( self.assign( image=image[y1:y2, x1:x2], # type: ignore[misc] annotations=[ a.assign( x1=a.x1 - x1, # type: ignore[operator] y1=a.y1 - y1, # type: ignore[operator] x2=a.x2 - x1, # type: ignore[operator] y2=a.y2 - y1, # type: ignore[operator] ) for a in ann_inc ], ) ) solved = True break if not solved: raise ValueError("Failed to find a suitable crop.") return subcrops
[docs] def compute_iou(self, other: "Scene"): """Obtain the inter-scene annotation IoU. Args: other: The other scene with which to compare. Returns: A matrix of shape (N, M) where N is the number of annotations in this scene and M is the number of annotations in the other scene. Each value represents the IoU between the two annotations. A negative IoU value means the annotations overlapped but they were for different classes. """ iou = np.zeros((len(self.annotations), len(other.annotations)), dtype="float32") for idx1, ann1 in enumerate(self.annotations): for idx2, ann2 in enumerate(other.annotations): iou[idx1, idx2] = ( utils.compute_iou( np.array([ann1.x1y1x2y2()]), np.array([ann2.x1y1x2y2()]) )[0, 0] if ann1.is_rect and ann2.is_rect else utils.compute_iou_for_contour_pair(ann1.points, ann2.points) ) * (1 if == else -1) return iou
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class SceneCollection: """A collection of scenes. Args: categories: The configuration that should be used for all underlying scenes. scenes: The list of scenes. """ def __init__( self, scenes: typing.List[Scene], categories: annotation.Categories = None, ): if categories is None: categories = scenes[0].categories for i, s in enumerate(scenes): if s.categories != categories: raise ValueError( f"Scene {i+1} of {len(scenes)} has inconsistent configuration." ) self._categories = annotation.Categories.from_categories(categories) self._scenes = scenes
[docs] def filter(self, path: typing.Tuple[str], value: typing.Any): """Find scenes in the collection based on metadata.""" scenes = [] for scene in self.scenes: success = True current_value = scene.metadata for p in path: try: current_value = current_value[p] except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except success = False break if success and current_value == value: scenes.append(scene) return self.assign(scenes=scenes)
[docs] def onehot(self, binary=True) -> np.ndarray: """Get the one-hot encoded (N, C) array for this scene collection. If binary is false, the score is used instead of 0/1.""" return np.stack( [ annotation.labels2onehot(s.labels, self.categories, binary=binary) for s in self.scenes ], axis=0, )
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.scenes[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key >= len(self.scenes): raise ValueError( f"Cannot set scene {key} when collection has length {len(self.scenes)}." ) self.scenes[key] = val def __len__(self): return len(self._scenes) def __iter__(self): for scene in self._scenes: yield scene @property def scenes(self): """The list of scenes""" return self._scenes @property def categories(self): """The annotation configuration""" return self._categories
[docs] def annotation_groups(self): """The groups of annotations in the collection.""" return [s.annotations for s in self.scenes]
[docs] def label_groups(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[annotation.Label]]: """The groups of labels in the collection.""" return [s.labels for s in self.scenes]
[docs] def uniform(self): """Specifies whether all scenes in the collection are of the same size. Note: This will trigger an image load.""" return ( np.unique( np.array( [[s.dimensions.width, s.dimensions.height] for s in self.scenes] ), axis=0, ).shape[0] == 1 )
[docs] def annotation_sizes(self): """An array of dimensions for the annotations in the collection.""" return [ np.diff(np.array([a.x1y1x2y2() for a in g]).reshape((-1, 2, 2)), axis=1)[ :, 0, : ] for g in self.annotation_groups() ]
[docs] def image_sizes(self): """An array of dimensions for the images in the collection.""" return np.array( [[scene.dimensions.width, scene.dimensions.height] for scene in self.scenes] )
[docs] def consistent(self): """Specifies whether all scenes have the same annotation configuration.""" return all(s.categories == self.categories for s in self.scenes)
[docs] def images(self): """All the images for a scene collection. All images will be loaded if not already cached.""" return [s.image for s in self.scenes]
[docs] def deferred_images(self): """Returns a series of callables that, when called, will load the image.""" return [s.deferred_image() for s in self.scenes]
[docs] def augment(self, augmenter: augmentations.AugmenterProtocol, **kwargs): """Obtained an augmented version of the given collection. All arguments passed to `Scene.augment`""" scenes, transforms = zip( *[s.augment(augmenter=augmenter, **kwargs) for s in self.scenes] ) return self.assign(scenes=scenes), np.stack(transforms)
[docs] def split( self, sizes: typing.List[float], random_state: int = 42, stratify: typing.Sequence[typing.Hashable] = None, group: typing.Sequence[typing.Hashable] = None, preserve: typing.Sequence[int] = None, ) -> typing.Sequence["SceneCollection"]: """Obtain new scene collections, split based on a given set of proportios. For example, to get three collections containing 70%, 15%, and 15% of the dataset, respectively, you can do something like the following: .. code-block:: python training, validation, test = collection.split( sizes=[0.7, 0.15, 0.15] ) You can also use the `stratify` argument to ensure an even split between different kinds of scenes. For example, to split scenes containing at least 3 annotations proportionally, do something like the following. .. code-block:: python training, validation, test = collection.split( sizes=[0.7, 0.15, 0.15], stratify=[len(s.annotations) >= 3 for s in collection] ) Finally, you can make sure certain scenes end up in the same split (e.g., if they're crops from the same base image) using the group argument. .. code-block:: python training, validation, test = collection.split( sizes=[0.7, 0.15, 0.15], stratify=[len(s.annotations) >= 3 for s in collection], group=[s.metadata["origin"] for s in collection] ) Returns: A train and test scene collection. """ return [ self.assign(scenes=scenes) for scenes in utils.split( self.scenes, sizes=sizes, random_state=random_state, stratify=stratify, group=group, preserve=preserve, ) ]
[docs] def assign(self, **kwargs) -> "SceneCollection": """Obtain a new scene with the given keyword arguments changing. If `categories` is provided, the annotations are converted to the new `categories` first. Returns: A new scene """ if "categories" in kwargs: categories = kwargs["categories"] scenes = kwargs.get("scenes", self.scenes) kwargs["scenes"] = [s.assign(categories=categories) for s in scenes] defaults = {"scenes": self.scenes, "categories": self.categories} kwargs = {**defaults, **kwargs} return SceneCollection(**kwargs)
[docs] def sample(self, n, replace=True) -> "SceneCollection": """Get a random subsample of this collection""" selected = np.random.choice(len(self.scenes), n, replace=replace) return self.assign(scenes=[self.scenes[i] for i in selected])
[docs] def save(self, filename: str, **kwargs): """Save scene collection a tarball.""" with, mode="w") as tar: for idx, scene in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(self.scenes)): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp: temp.write(scene.toString(**kwargs)) temp.flush() tar.add(, arcname=str(idx))
[docs] def save_placeholder( self, filename: str, colormap: typing.Dict[str, typing.Tuple[int, int, int]] ): """Create a placeholder scene collection representing blank images with black blobs drawn on in the location of annotations. Useful for testing whether a detector has any chance of working with a given dataset. Args: filename: The tarball to which the dummy dataast should be saved. colormap: A mapping of annotation categories to colors, used for drawing the annotations onto a canvas. """ with, mode="w") as tar: for idx, scene in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(self.scenes)): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp: image = np.zeros_like(scene.image) + 255 for ann in typing.cast(Scene, scene).annotations: ann.draw(image, color=colormap[], opaque=True) temp.write( scene.assign( image=image, annotations=scene.annotations ).toString() ) temp.flush() tar.add(, arcname=str(idx))
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_directory(cls, directory: str): """Load a dataset that already was extracted from directory.""" files = [ os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, "*")) if not os.path.splitext(f)[1] ] loader = lambda f: ( f, Scene.load(os.path.join(directory, f)).assign( image=os.path.join(directory, f + ".png") ), ) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: scenes = [ future.result() for future in tqdm.tqdm( concurrent.futures.as_completed( [executor.submit(loader, f) for f in files] ), total=len(files), ) ] scenes = [scene for _, scene in sorted(scenes, key=lambda p: int(p[0]))] return cls(scenes=scenes)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename: str, directory: str = None, force=False): """Load scene collection from a tarball. If a directory is provided, images will be saved into that directory rather than retained in memory.""" if directory and os.path.isdir(directory) and not force: return cls.load_from_directory(directory) if directory: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) scenes = [] with, mode="r") as tar: for idx, member in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(tar.getmembers())): data = tar.extractfile(member) if data is None: raise ValueError("Failed to load data from a file in the tarball.") if not directory: scene = Scene.fromString( else: label_filepath = os.path.join(directory, str(idx)) image_filepath = label_filepath + ".png" if ( os.path.isfile(label_filepath) and os.path.isfile(image_filepath) and not force ): scene = Scene.load(label_filepath).assign(image=image_filepath) else: scene = Scene.fromString( cv2.imwrite( image_filepath, cv2.cvtColor(scene.image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) ) with open(label_filepath, "wb") as f: f.write( scene.assign( image=np.ones((1, 1, 3), dtype="uint8") ).toString() ) scene = scene.assign(image=image_filepath) scenes.append(scene) if len(scenes) == 0: raise ValueError("No scenes found.") return cls(scenes=scenes, categories=scenes[0].categories)
[docs] @classmethod def from_qsl(cls, jsonpath: str, label_key: str, base_dir=None): """Build a scene collection from a QSL JSON project file.""" with open(jsonpath, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: project = json.loads( rconfig = next( (r for r in project["config"]["regions"] if r["name"] == label_key), None ) if rconfig is None: raise ValueError(f"{label_key} region configuration not found.") categories = annotation.Categories([o["name"] for o in rconfig["options"]]) scenes = [] for item in project["items"]: if item.get("type", "image") != "image":"Skipping item with type %s.", item["type"]) continue if item.get("ignore", False):"Skipping %s because it was ignored.", item["target"]) continue if "labels" not in item:"Skipping %s because labels are missing.", item["target"]) continue scenes.append( Scene.from_qsl( item=item, label_key=label_key, categories=categories, base_dir=base_dir, ) ) return cls(scenes=scenes)