Source code for mira.datasets.preloaded

"""Datasets available out of the box."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long

import logging
from os import path
from itertools import product

from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import cv2
from pkg_resources import resource_string

from .. import core
from .voc import load_voc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

COCOCategories = core.Categories(
    resource_string(__name__, "assets/coco_classes.txt").decode("utf-8").split("\n")
VOCCategories = core.Categories(
    resource_string(__name__, "assets/voc_classes.txt").decode("utf-8").split("\n")
COCOCategories90 = core.Categories(
    resource_string(__name__, "assets/coco_classes_90.txt").decode("utf-8").split("\n")
ImageNet1KCategories = core.Categories(
    resource_string(__name__, "assets/imagenet1k_classes.txt")

ShapeAnnotationConfig = core.Categories(
        " ".join([s, c])
        for s, c in product(["RED", "BLUE", "GREEN"], ["RECTANGLE", "CIRCLE"])

def load_random_images():
    """Get some random images from the internet."""
    urls = [
    categories = core.Categories([])
    return core.SceneCollection(
            for url in urls

[docs]def load_voc2012(subset="train") -> core.SceneCollection: """PASCAL VOC 2012 Args: subset: One of `train`, `val`, or `trainval`. If `trainval`, the scene collection contains both the train and validation sets. If `train`, only the training set. If `val` only the validation set. Returns: A scene collection containing the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset. """ assert subset in [ "train", "val", "trainval", ], "Subset must be one of train, val, or trainval" def extract_check_fn(root_dir): image_dir = path.join(root_dir, "vocdevkit", "voc2012", "jpegimages") image_files = glob(path.join(image_dir, "*.jpg")) annotation_dir = path.join(root_dir, "vocdevkit", "voc2012", "annotations") annotation_files = glob(path.join(annotation_dir, "*.xml")) return len(annotation_files) == 17125 and len(image_files) == 17125 root_dir = core.files.get_file( origin="", file_hash="e14f763270cf193d0b5f74b169f44157a4b0c6efa708f4dd0ff78ee691763bcb", fname="VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar", cache_subdir=path.join("datasets", "voc2012"), extract=True, extract_check_fn=extract_check_fn, ) image_dir = path.join(root_dir, "vocdevkit", "voc2012", "jpegimages") annotation_dir = path.join(root_dir, "vocdevkit", "voc2012", "annotations") imageset_dir = path.join(root_dir, "vocdevkit", "voc2012", "imagesets", "main") sids = [] if subset in ["trainval", "train"]: sid_path = path.join(imageset_dir, "train.txt") with open(sid_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: sids.extend("\n")) if subset in ["trainval", "val"]: sid_path = path.join(imageset_dir, "val.txt") with open(sid_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: sids.extend("\n")) filepaths = [ path.join(annotation_dir, f"{sid}.xml") for sid in sids if len(sid.strip()) > 0 ] return load_voc( filepaths=filepaths, categories=VOCCategories, image_dir=image_dir, )
def make_shape_scene( width=256, height=256, object_count_bounds=(3, 8), object_width_bounds=(20, 40), polygons=False, ): """Make a shape scene (used by load_shapes).""" # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object image = core.utils.get_blank_image( width=width, height=height, n_channels=3, cval=255 ) object_count = ( object_count_bounds[0] if object_count_bounds[0] == object_count_bounds[1] else np.random.randint(*object_count_bounds) ) ws = [object_width_bounds[0]] * object_count if object_width_bounds[0] == object_width_bounds[1] else np.random.randint(object_width_bounds[0], object_width_bounds[1], size=object_count) # type: ignore xs = ( [0] * object_count if width - object_width_bounds[-1] <= 0 else np.random.randint( low=0, high=width - object_width_bounds[-1], size=object_count ) ) ys = ( [0] * object_count if height - object_width_bounds[-1] <= 0 else np.random.randint( low=0, high=height - object_width_bounds[-1], size=object_count ) ) shapes = np.random.choice(["RECTANGLE", "CIRCLE"], size=object_count) colors = np.random.choice(["RED", "BLUE", "GREEN"], size=object_count) lookup = {"RED": (255, 0, 0), "BLUE": (0, 0, 255), "GREEN": (0, 255, 0)} annotations = [] for x, y, w, shape, color in zip(xs, ys, ws, shapes, colors): if image[y : y + w, x : x + w].min() == 0: # Avoid overlapping shapes. continue if shape == "RECTANGLE": cv2.rectangle( image, pt1=(x, y), pt2=(x + w, y + w), thickness=-1, color=lookup[color], ) points = [(x, y), (x + w, y), (x + w, y + w), (x, y + w), (x, y)] elif shape == "CIRCLE": r = w // 2 w = 2 * r image, center=(x + r, y + r), radius=r, thickness=-1, color=lookup[color], ) t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=20) points = np.array( [x + r * (np.cos(t) + 1), y + r * (1 + np.sin(t))] ).T.tolist() if polygons: annotation = core.Annotation( points=points, category=ShapeAnnotationConfig[" ".join([color, shape])], ) else: annotation = core.Annotation( x1=x, y1=y, x2=x + w, y2=y + w, category=ShapeAnnotationConfig[" ".join([color, shape])], ) annotations.append(annotation) return core.Scene( annotations=annotations, image=image, categories=ShapeAnnotationConfig )
[docs]def load_shapes( n_scenes=100, classification=False, **kwargs, ) -> core.SceneCollection: """A simple dataset for testing. Args: width: The width of each image height: The height of each image object_count_bounds: A tuple indicating the minimum and maximum number of objects in each image object_width_bounds: A tuple indicating the minimum and maximum widths of the objects in each image n_scenes: The number of scenes to generate polygons: Whether to use polygons instead of axis-aligned bounding boxes. Returns: A scene collection of images with circles and rectangles in it. """ if classification: width, height = kwargs.get("width", 256), kwargs.get("height", 256) scenes = [ make_shape_scene( width=width, height=height, object_count_bounds=(1, 1), object_width_bounds=(min(width, height), min(width, height)), ) for n in range(n_scenes) ] scenes = [ s.assign(labels=[core.Label(category=s.annotations[0].category)]) for s in scenes ] else: scenes = [make_shape_scene(**kwargs) for n in range(n_scenes)] return core.SceneCollection(scenes=scenes)
[docs]def load_oxfordiiitpets(breed=True) -> core.SceneCollection: """Load the Oxford-IIIT pets dataset. It is not divided into train, validation, and test because it appeared some files were missing from the trainval and test set documents (e.g., english_cocker_spaniel_164). Args: breed: Whether to use the breeds as the class labels. If False, the class labels are limited to dog or cat. Returns: A scene collection containing the dataset """ image_dir = core.files.get_file( origin="", fname="images.tar.gz", file_hash="67195c5e1c01f1ab5f9b6a5d22b8c27a580d896ece458917e61d459337fa318d", cache_subdir=path.join("datasets", "oxfordiiitpets"), extract=True, extract_check_fn=lambda directory: len( glob(path.join(directory, "images", "*.jpg")) ) == 7390, ) annotations_dir = core.files.get_file( origin="", fname="annotations.tar.gz", file_hash="52425fb6de5c424942b7626b428656fcbd798db970a937df61750c0f1d358e91", cache_subdir=path.join("datasets", "oxfordiiitpets"), extract=True, extract_check_fn=lambda directory: len( glob(path.join(directory, "annotations", "xmls", "*.xml")) ) == 3686, ) filepaths = glob(path.join(annotations_dir, "annotations", "xmls", "*.xml")) image_dir = path.join(image_dir, "images") collection = load_voc( filepaths=filepaths, categories=core.Categories(["dog", "cat"]), image_dir=image_dir, ) if not breed: return collection assert all( len(s.annotations) in [1, 2] for s in collection.scenes ), "An error occurred handling pets dataset" labels = [ "_".join(path.splitext(path.split(f)[1])[0].split("_")[:-1]) for f in filepaths ] categories = core.Categories(sorted(set(labels))) return core.SceneCollection( scenes=[ scene.assign( annotations=[ a.assign(category=categories[label]) for a in scene.annotations ], categories=categories, ) for scene, label in zip(collection.scenes, labels) ], categories=categories, )